It's me,
all the others
within & with me.

Take a deep dive into being ...
awareness & consciousness.

Poetry & stories.
Design, art & jewelry.

A place of love,
the universe of ONE.
Welcome to be.

December 13th 2023 - A day to write an introduction on this ‘ABOUT’ page. Is there anything new to say, anything extra that i worth mentioning?
I feel the freedom of writing here in the way that i am, in the way i express myself in this human experience.

And no, i am not thinking about the others that are reading this, i see everyone as myself, some more alike in thinking than others. Does it matter? 😉😂 … I guess not, haha. Nothing really matters.
I write here, because it is the time to write here …

This was my incredible useful introduction on ‘ABOUT’.

So, my name is Wiesje Christine Verpeut, probably this is obvious when you come to visit this website.
I was born in Ypres, Belgium on a summer Saturday afternoon, 25th of July 1981. It went that fast that i was almost born in toilet, so the stories tell. In 15 minutes i greeted my first breath …
time has been running through my body ever since, and it appears to go faster and faster.
That is all part of my illusion that i live like a reality. Nothing new here, … again not. Was this worth mentioning?

Yesterday i told a big part of my life story on a youtube interview, once it is online, i will post it here, for those that want to know more about my crazy life background and the life i lived, at least mentioning some things to some extend. But yes, i admit, that life story has made me to whom i am today and what i live out most of my days.

FOR THAT, i am deeply interested in being LOVE and walking with others in this way, seeing what it brings out in their lives. More even, going deep in the philosophical matters of this existence and our consciousness. I try to find ways to see people heal of their past wounds, without trying to change them in a way that suits me, … rather gazing at the beauty of humanity in every kind of way and the universe in general. So, that is why i write and share a lot online about awakening, awareness and consciousness, in all kinds of levels and point of views.
But most of all, i share about LOVE, the love that we are as a being.
Giving expression to this in poetry and stories, yes, i love that too.
Giving expression to this in jewellery, art & design, i love that too.

This place can be our way of meeting each other, of relating with one another.
I am just here and everywhere and nowhere …

I might continue writing on this page later, when i find other things to mention or stuff that matters.

Meanwhile: enjoy life while you can, don’t take it too serious, though live consciously …
and if you can, live from your heart.
Sending love.

Wiesje Christine Verpeut