About finding your INNER PEACE
December 12th, a day that marks the publishing of my new website, but also this new blogpost.
It’s been a while that i was longing to start over with a new website. The years that have passed, have brought many deep changes into my reflection of what i bring here into this reality.
This website is only a platform for now, on which i will build in the time to come, whether alone or others might come along, we will see. This website is not only about the character of “Wiesje Christine Verpeut”, but has the intention to give “words and images” to those that are part of my life. Because of that, it also owns the url: www.wirwan.com, which stands for being ONE with everyone. But more about this later, …
and indeed, i have not yet an idea where it is truly heading towards, only a vague path beneath my feet.
So, i gave this blogpost the name: about finding our INNER PEACE … cause that is what it is about, this life, this human experience that gives words and images to our already existing expression.
I had some time of deep meditation before i started this one. Once i woke up, i saw two videos on TikTok, that resonated deeply within my being. So, i just want to share them and write in between some words. Though the videos speak of themselves.
When there is no “free will”, then LOVE is WHOLE and ONE.
The highest and deepest PEACE possible in this understanding.
Let both videos sink in deeply.
We could think that the first and the second video contradict each other, which is not so.
Let us instead put the second video on the layer of the first one.
One will think that we create our own experience, though everything was already set and done for us to ‘think’ we create our own experiences, that we make our own choices.
Though actually we just walk in perfect love, being the universe and meanwhile experiencing a kind of reality.
All is ONE, reflecting itself over and over again, without any difference of being.
The layers we cross to deeper consciousness are like the lungs breathing in and out. So to that breathing in can be compared of having no free will and breathing out an impression of having this free will.
Or an other comparison would be like the tides of the ocean. We have the impression that the waves come closer and then withdraw again, while it is just the earth spinning. The waves don’t come closer, neither do they go away, they stay attracted by the moon, only the earth rotates.
In the same way, consciousness remains experiencing itself over and over again, while the impression of free will is created or taken away, all in the perspective that we look from at a certain point.
In understanding the depth of the universe, we come to deep INNER PEACE that everything is working out its own way … that nothing is out of place.
My personal experience in this reality is the one that loves to be as closest to source possible, that is my fragrance.
Yours is yours! i love you - love is!
This said, i am coming to the end of my first blogpost. Soon i will add more to this website …
Meanwhile i keep myself busy with being, in expression is this taking care of my boy and household, working in the factory, … and some time for writing, making videos and designing jewellery. All in its perfect time.
Let me know what you think
Spreading love … ❤️
Wiesje Christine Verpeut