Come, for i am ready - 22454
My skin is ready
Ripe to receive
Prompted to play
Placed to perceive
Just come
Between white and black: there is grey
Between black and black there is a hole
Between white and white is holy
Between of these the creation of clay
Of dust were we made,
and unto dust shall we return
Just come and play with me
fiery and wild heart of mine: burn
faith of fun, in shadow laid
fly, flee and be with me free
Between purple and green: there is brown
Between purple and purple is higher
Between green and green there is desire
Between these we will lay down
Of dust are we grayed,
and in the dust together we shall blur
just come and let your eyes see
breathe, oh breath of mine: yearn
your name in my stone engraved
flirt with the wind and be free
I am ready,
To receive and perceive
the play
Just come
My skin is heavy
Ripe to believe
Prompted to spray
Placed to conceive
Just come
And the Word became flesh, and it tasted as Love.
Come, eat My flesh, come, drink My blood, until all dust has flown away, the stony heart that came alive in you and me.
Come, eat My flesh, drink My blood, eat Me, eat the love that flows.
For we have disappeared, for we have gone astray, for we have put aside, the you and me in the grave.
We have taken up the flesh, melted in the word that is called love. I am love. I am that I am, and I am love.
Ooh, flesh that became alive, the heart that is pondering and beating the breath you once breathed in me, my nostrils know the pleasure of breathing You, of breathing you and me.
Deep thoughts covered the face of the earth, and darkness was hovering upon it.
But the heart was burning alive. It breathed the breath of life and brought forth love and it became alive.
Can you see, the I am that is inside of me?
Can you see the I am that is breathing everywhere to be?
So, let when time has come, our dusted nostrils go to earth, and breathe the fire love life inside of us, as we become the I am that is and was and always will be … love.
When I look into your eyes I see the heart.
Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated. Both were made and both have faded. But in that time between, they both searched love.
Love to be accepted, love to be alive. One to be neglected and to die in strive. One to be respected, love in full nosedive.
You can have double age, but the measure of love is the change.
Look through the eyes of the I am, love became flesh and has changed the dust, made alive in the lamb.
Eat My flesh and drink My blood. Love has come, covering the earth like a flood.