Sealed scrolls - 13866

Open up my words when I'm gone
Reveal who I really was
Transparent, without covering
learn from what I lived
all that happened and is done

Pain are the ashes of what
Once burned heavily
My heart is still smouldering
Smoking thoughts, a lot.

Open up the lyrics when I leave
Reveal what has passed
I tell you plainly
I'm glad that I knew love
Wandering delight and grief

Joy are the sparkles of what
once lighted heavily
My heart is still twinkling
Glowing thoughts, a lot.

Open up the sealed scrolls when I'm dead
Reveal what I left behind
The wonders of the memories
Things that once were
and now have left

Or if you prefer to watch the video on TikTok

As long as i remember, this has been my favorite poem. I don’t really know why exactly, probably because it just wraps up who i am, without too many words and remaining in the mystery of being.

Hahaha. Who can unravel the depths of (my) being? I have tried - at least i have tried.

Be my guest, though.


Come, for i am ready