LOVE, your very being
Midnight @ work
Have I not died to all purposes?
Have I not looked into my deepest being?
Did I not find something there worth fighting for?
I died – let me now be spread among the people and fade into castings and shadows
– for I have known –
- for I have seen –
the systems between the ears slain with blindness and fear.
Can I hold you?
Can I kiss you sweet and sound?
Can I lick your lips before I fade into the dawn again?
For sweeter than love nothing is,
for few have known its real taste within.
- I know –
I have walked the paths in darkness that none had shown …
I walked and walked and walked.
Breathe, oh sweet breath of mine,
hold nothing dear,
not even the oxygen in your lungs.
For the days pass by before one realizes
it’s all been said and done.
For the hours have fade before one realizes
times of illusions and purposes,
made to fade into the dust of non-existence.
Make yourself glad,
make yourself merry,
marry, make wives, husbands,
daughters of the field and sons of the air,
make yourself burdens to forget your nothingness,
to salve your mind with willful pleasures and painted pictures
– words of the mind, that said nothing at all-
Have you forsaken your first love to know the ALL?
Musings of the night, have you come to show me your face,
have you come to play hide & seek, for all those that are asleep?
Let’s play between the grasses, the fields and the air,
let no one know that only for this tiny moment
you have lifted up your veil to show your face upon the world,
those that are awake have seen you in the stars shown
– glimpsing –
a smile and a wink.
For you have gathered all the days in your hands,
the stars of the light of the day
and the legends and the stories of you told.
Musings, come to mama, dear
Have I not longed to give you a name by birth
– but before dawn you are gone -
“COME! COME to the valley of the living,
come, come come, come&see”,
he was shouting
and all she saw were the beautiful corpses
of what once was called flowers of flesh.
“Bones, oh bones, can I cry you back to life?
Do tears fill your flesh again?”
Lightings of drops
Lightnings of fungi
Scattered in laughter over the valley
of what once was: the deep earth.
New life born from the dust, burst.
All is quiet, all has found its peace in the silent beauty of what is.
The valley, oh valley, …
valley of legends & stories
We are your heroes …